Monday 24 August 2009

Marathon Day dawns

Saturday dawned brightly but cooler, much better conditions for running marathons the first of those - the men's - was this morning. Both marathons take an approximately 10km lap course and so passed each spot 4 times. One corner of the course was within 5 minutes walk of our hotel so I went down to watch - but was only able to see the first 3 laps. But in each was able to shout encouragement to one athlete who'd visited our Oasis most mornings. Before going to do this, I'd spent some time helping prepare for and attend a special Service of Thanksgiving that a few of us had planned. This was aimed specifically at some Afro-Caribbean teams but it was, of course, open to all. Although not so many people came as had said they would, it was still an uplifting service, especially the singing and an interactive way of telling a Bible story.

After watching the 3 laps of the marathon, I dashed off to the shuttle bus for the other hotel. Whilst here, I did speak to some people I hadn't met before, but it was really a time of making sure that I said farewell and tied loose ends with some of the people I've met since arriving. Then it was on to the stadium, where I got an amazing seat by the long jump that felt like I was almost in the sandpit itself. This was such a privilege, but also enabled me to speak again with a coach I've had several conversations with. It was also great to be in the stadium to see a Loughborough student gain a medal with the relay team.

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