Wednesday 27 January 2010

Stunned by fundraising

My fundraising has been going brilliantly, something for which I am very grateful and also give thanks to God for. Mind you, very little of this success is actually my doing. I seem to have done relatively little, except perhaps "light the blue touch paper" as the saying goes! St Michael's Church West Andover (, where I am an Assistant Priest have been brilliant in this respect. I had an idea to do 'odd jobs' in return for a donation but this was scuppered by various regulations (inland revenue, insurance, health & safety, etc). However, a number of people in the congregation have given generous donations. In addition, two ladies fixed, organised and hosted a Coffee Morning on my behalf last Saturday. I attended, answered questions, and mounted a display about chaplaincy in Athens, Berlin and Vancouver. At least 30 people attended throughout the morning and through people's generosity more money was raised. I also discovered recently that, unknown to me, one or more people (I know not who or how many) have been doing some of the 'odd jobs' that I'm not 'allowed' to do to make sure the donations still came in. That type of action almost stuns me into silence - but a very grateful silence. It really feels now that I shall be going to Vancouver not just to serve as a chaplain but to represent the people of St Michael's as I do it. It is a good Christian principle when someone is sent out from a local Christian community with their support to fulfil a specific role, and I really feel that this is now what is happening.
On top of this, I heard officially at the beginning of this term that two departments at Loughborough University have also expressed their willingness to give some money towards the expenses of my trip. When I learned this, it was another moment when I felt stunned, albeit very pleasantly so. Both sources of money, Loughborough and church, feel like a great affirmation of my ministry among them. God is so good!

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